How to use
Double click anywhere to create a charge.
The slider underneath the charge can be used to adjust the magnitude and sign of that charge.
Charges can also be dragged around the screen by clicking and dragging on them.
You can right click on a charge to delete it. You can also click on the charge and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
The checkboxes on the right side of the screen can be used to toggle the different features of the simulation that display different information about the electric field.
You can place test charges on the screen when the "Test Charge Mode" checkbox is toggled by clicking anywhere on the screen. Test charges will them move with accordance to the electric field that the onscreen charges create.
Using Simulation in a Classroom
- Insert images into class slides
- Create discussions around why intuition differs from reality
- Worksheet/guided questions
- Create charge configurations
- Model problems in simulation
Report a bug
created by: Ted MburuAknowlegements
Dr. Colleen Countryman
Dr. John Barr
Dr. Doug Turnbull
Ithaca College Physics Department
Ithaca College IT
p5.js (
Daniel Shiffman (The Coding Train)